Sunday, May 18, 2008

Humans are tough to find

Hi Friends,
I dnt know how many of us thinks in the same way, but i have some thoughts to my life which i always try to implement.
I feel everyone has their own point of views. In my thought, today, it is tough to find a real human being. I do agree that today is a competitive world and everyone is running for bread and butter but when talking about an organization or a group, we are trying to prove ourselves superior and better than others using false means.
I think we consider ourselves superior and we have forgotton than there is someone superior to us. Whatever we are doing is just a matter of time or power. We are killing ourselves and we do not have any existence as humans any more.
It is not exactly my frustration, I have seen people fighting without reasons, there is not need for fighting, anger, it is just a frustration which u cannot keep within yourself. You are getting this anger just because you are not capable of managing the things and that is why you are showing anger at a weaker person to you.
How many of us fights to a person who has more power. We always say, let it go even if the other person is wrong and if the other person is weak we fight with him even if he is right.
We are under the control of our ego, which gives out nothing to you. None of us is helping a single person in a day, not even me , we are fighting for money, we are fighting for our existence. I do not thing existence is that tough that you have to kill your own people. Never, it is just a matter of understanding and if you do not understand, what is the difference between humans and animals. Winning over others is not a win, winning yourself is the win. If you want to be the king be a king over ur ego, over your bad habits, over your anger, be a king to you.
You never have to prove anything to this world. You have to prove to yourself, try it out, the world is more beautioful than your thoughts, it is a world of what you thinks, it is a world for what you want, just follow the truth, find the humanity within you and try to keep your existence up to the mark.

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